
How to create you signature

A signature is made up of HTML and special fields that tell the tool what fields you have, details of special fields can be found below and and example HTML as well.

Once you have your a template signature or if you want to change the the designated admin user can log in to the interface and update it.

If you need help creating a signature or converting something to the correct format then we can offer this in a consulting basis, charged at an hourly rate (typically 1 hour would be enough)

Example Signature HTML

<table style="width: 100%; float:left">



<td style="width:100px">

<img style="height: 120px;margin-top:10px;margin-botton: 10px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:20px" src=";id=1PNLLgsXpCpsuR1lkeuwvEu8sUwQ8BzKA"></td>

<td style="border-left: 2px solid black;padding-left: 20px;line-height: 120%;">

<span style="color: black; font-size: 14px;font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;">

<b>${"Your full name","text", "Please enter your full name","",""}$</b><br>

<span style="color: grey">${"Pronoun","select", "Please enter your personal pronoun","",""}$</span>

<br / >${"Title","textinput", "Please enter your full name","",""}$<br / >

<br / >${"Direct Telephone","text", "Please enter your landline telephone - This is optional","",""}$

<br / >${"Mobile Tel","text", "Please enter your mobile telephone ","",""}$

<br></span><span style="margin-top: 10px;">






Special Field Make up

A special field follow the following format:



  • FIELD TITLE = The name of the field that you want to add (this will becomes it's ID as well) - THIS MUST BE UNIQUE! REQURIED

  • FIELD TYPE = Can be one of [text, textinput, pronoun] REQURIED

    • text = a text field ( one line)

    • textinput = a textarea field (5 lines)

    • pronoun = a dropdown containing personal pronuns

  • FIELD HELP = Additional text to help the user know what to type into the box OPTIONAL

  • APPEND = What ever is place here will be appened to what the user types in the input EG User enters 3 digit direct dial but you want to append the full number with country code) OPTIONAL

  • PREPEND= What ever is place here will be prepenede to what the user types in the input EG User enters name and you want to append the company tax number OPTIONAL

Tips and Tricks

  • All of the "styles" need to be inline.

  • Try to make the signature as simple as possible as this will allow you to have the best chance of it showing.

  • If you already have a signature that would want to use as a template you can simply send an email to the spport email address with it attached and we will add this as the default template for you.

Understanding permissions

Our application runs in the context of the user and asks for two Google oAuth Scopes:



The first scope allows the tool to access basic settings for the connect user, we use this to apply signature and nothing else.

The second scope allows the tool to access the administrative back end, this allows us to verify whether the user is on a valid domain and return the correct signature template for them to use.


A user can revoke permissions at any time under their "Third-party apps with account access" section under the "Security" account of "Manage my Google Account"

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